Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Library

In every house we've owned it seems like there was a special little something that sold the house for me.  In this house, it was... a closet.  Not just any closet, though.  A magical, transformable, full of potential space for me to tackle and change to meet the needs of our ever-growing family.  I had a vision for this closet.  Instead of using it to store overflow Christmas and Halloween decor, bicycles, board games, small pets and pantry items, I decided to use this space as a library for the kiddos.  A coat of paint and a few decorative items later, this space went from storage to a truly usable room.  Here are a few pictures, what do you think???

Well, that's that.  This room gets used everyday.  I'm so glad to share our little space.  I wonder what that special little something will be in our next home?  It doesn't take much to spark my interest - i.e. a dark, dingy little closet???  Really?  Really.