Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer List

swim lessons     trips to sonic     summer reading program     lots of painting and crafts    
 trip to the children's theater to see a play     help mommy bake cookies    
water balloon fight with syd and cole     skype with my nana and papa

mini-golf     hiking     fishing     six flags     rangers game    
hunter's safety class     wrapping party with my buddies     win a baseball tournament    
cookout with friends     try something new

bowling     scavenger hunt     plenty of swimming     make popcicles     drive-in movie night    
 paint pottery     lemonade stand     service work      fly a kite     ice skating     zoo    
aquarium     concert at the arboretum     art class      bible study

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break - over too soon

Here are a few things we did over our spring break.  I can't believe it's already over.  Boo-hoo. 

GK turned 4.  The highlight may have been this cake.  UH-MAZING. 

The Little Gym can really throw a par-tay.  Tumble track rocks.

Stumped about her wish.

We also planted a garden.  Well, I'm not sure if our little plot of dirt would qualify as a "garden." 
I might be overselling it a bit.

We also did our fair-share of bike ridin'.

All-in-all, we had a great week.  We also visited the aquarium, the butterfly pavilion, the Dallas Museum of Art, and met friends for coffee nearly everyday.  It was a nice week. 
I'd be lying if I said I was ready to face Monday. 
I may feel a head cold coming on. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pinterest is making me fat

Aaaaah.  Pinterest.  My newest, bestest guilty pleasure.  Why do you tempt me so?  Everything about you inspires me - especially the yummy deliciousness that you post.  You are making me fat.  I blame you.  It's not the complete and total lack of physical activity that I have made an art form.  It's not my sedentary lifestyle that has become my claim to fame.  Oh no.  It is YOU, pinterest.   Let me give you a glimpse into why I can't quit you...

Fried Egg, Avocado, Bacon & Tomato Sandwich
hello, fried egg, avocado and BACON

Jalapeno Popper Dip
jalapeno popper dip - (to die for, btw)

Cheddar Bacon Ranch Pulls... delicious!
apparently this little dandy is called "crack-bread"

Hot Fudge Pie....oh my
hot fudge pie - oh my

Lemonade cake w/cream cheese frosting. Wowza!!
lemonade cake with cream cheese frosting

and finally...

Poblano Mac & Cheese
poblano mac -n- cheese

Do you see what I'm up against?  Will power - you are no match for delicacies like "crack-bread" and cream cheese frosting.  Oh well.  I can embrace a few extra l-b's for the love of pinterest.  Gotta run.  I have to make dinner.  Probably something with butter, cream cheese and nutella.  Happy eats.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Warning: Ranting and Raving Alert.  Enter at your own risk.  Don't say I didn't warn you.

I have loved a recent sermon series at church.  It's all about resolutions.  Sort of.  It's actually a series focused on things we should quit.  Let me explain...

Week 1 -  Quit Making Excuses
Week 2 -  Quit Complaining
Week 3 -  Quit Living in the Past
Week 4 -  Quit Comparing

My personal favorite was week 2 - QUIT COMPLAINING!  I loved with a capital LOVED this sermon.  I think Pastor Paul wrote it JUST FOR ME.  Do you ever feel that way?  Anywho, this sermon talked all about how complaining breaks God's heart.  By complaining, we are forgetting to praise and glorify Him for all we have and all He has freely given us.  Oops.  Guilty.  Complaining is TOXIC and CONTAIGOUS.  It contaminates everything. 

Complaining is just so human.  I am guilty of this on a daily basis.  Hourly basis.  Sometime minutely basis (is that even a word?).  Nothing ever seems good enough, easy enough, convenient enough.  For example... Traffic.  Long lines at Starbucks or the grocery or anywhere.  Empty toilet paper roll - I really hate this one.  Dishwasher full of CLEAN dishes waiting to be unloaded.  Seriously?  WAAAAAAAA.  Boo-hoo.  Woe is me.  I feel myself getting sucked into a negative vortex that consumes me.  Ugh.  Yuck.   This sermon was so very eye-opening for me.  Like I said, Pastor Paul had me in mind when he composed it. 

So how do we swim out of the darkness?  How do we accentuate the positive...eliminate the negative?  I guess I'll start by focusing on blessings.  Everyday, simple blessings.  A car that enables me to drive in traffic.  Money for groceries or Starbucks or whatever.  Toilet paper.  (Did I really just thank my lucky stars for toilet paper?).  A dishwasher.  That works.  Hmmm...  Ok, you get the pic.  My life is bliss.  Bliss I tell you.  Thanks Pastor Paul for attempting to change my course.  I pray that I can find the silver lining of each passing rain cloud.  Maybe I can learn to love that empty roll.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

so what's new with you?

Hi all.  It's been awhile since I've updated the ole' blog.  Let's see...what's new?

Well, we went to a tiny, little, obscure place called HAWAII!  Oh my gosh.  What a blessing of a trip it was.  It was actually Cole's Make-A-Wish.  He wished us all to beautiful Oahu, and presto, M-A-W made it happen.  Check out a few pics of the awesomeness...

rough surfing conditions that day - north shore


helicopter tour of the island

diggin' for treasure

sunset - night of the luau
what lovely children

i'm so brave
 parasailing - holding on for dear life

hang ten, my friends

It was truly a trip of a lifetime. 
Perhaps you noticed that GK was missing from all HI pics.  Well, that's because she wasn't invited!  Ouch, that sounded mean.  What I meant to say was that we didn't want to interrupt her schedule with an 8 hour plane ride and the 5 hour time change and crazy fun activities that she couldn't participate in (did you see my parasailing face? - GK would not have survived HI.)
  We had her best interests in mind. 

Let's see, what else is new? 

Sydney is dancing in the Nutcracker this weekend, with the Moscow Ballet!  Like, the Russia Moscow.  She's an angel (so perfectly casted, in my most humble opinion).  We are excited to check it out! 

Cole is feeling wonderful - still in remission.  He's as fiesty as ever.  He goes in for more scans in early December.  Hoping, of course, for the very best news.  He just finished up a successful season of tackle football and fall baseball.  Now it's onto his winter sport de'jour - wrestling.  I'm telling you, this boy never slows down.

GK is soooo 3 and a half.  She is talking a mile a minute, singing Christmas carols, writing her name and anxiously awaiting her 4th birthday.  I don't have the heart to tell her it's 4 long months away.  I think she thinks it's tomorrow.  She loves all things princess, pink and purple.  She makes us laugh everyday.  She told Chris this morning that she is "talented."  Modest much?

I am so thankful that Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  This tired mama is ready to slow down, reflect on our many blessings, and spend some quality time with the fam.  Hope you all have a very blessed holiday. 

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
-Colosians 3:17

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm feeling thankful today

Things I'm thankful for today...

  1. My kiddos.  They make me crazy, fer sure, but all-in-all, they are pretty awesome. Loving, patient, always evolving, never ceasing to amaze me. 
  2. My marriage.  Chris, you are wonderful.  Together for 24 years (SERIOUSLY???) and I still can't think of anyone - ANYONE - I'd rather hang out with.  Thank you for making me laugh.  Everyday.  Thank you for keeping my sometimes raging emotions in check.  Thank you for loving me despite all my many flaws. 
  3. A God who is merciful and mighty. What a relief to know that He loves me despite all my many flaws. What a comfort to experience His grace. Everyday. Me - so undeserving - so humble - so completely overwhelmed at the many things I still don't understand about my faith. 
  4. My job. I love our new school. Syd and Cole love our new school. How fortunate that I get to hang out with 8 year olds everyday. No, really. I'm not lyin'.
  5. Good health.  I took it for granted for too long.  Needless to say, I don't anymore. 

As autumn approaches, my heart is filled with thankfulness.  I have been blessed.  Truly blessed. 
May you count your sweet blessings too. 

    Wednesday, July 20, 2011

    Books on my "nightstand"

    Well, they aren't technically on my nightstand, but I have gone so far as to request them from our lovely, local library.  Here's the list...let me know if you are  #1. familiar and  #2. would recommend. 

    1. An American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin

    2. Dreams of Joy by Lisa See

    3. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

    4. Looking for Alaska by John Green

    5. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver

    6. A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron

    There you have it.  Currently I'm struggling loving 1776 by David McCullough.  It is my assigned summer reading for my J.O.B.  I'm one-third through with 3 weeks to go.  Wish me luck.  And brain power.  And divine intervention. 

    What's on your "nightstand"?