Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break - over too soon

Here are a few things we did over our spring break.  I can't believe it's already over.  Boo-hoo. 

GK turned 4.  The highlight may have been this cake.  UH-MAZING. 

The Little Gym can really throw a par-tay.  Tumble track rocks.

Stumped about her wish.

We also planted a garden.  Well, I'm not sure if our little plot of dirt would qualify as a "garden." 
I might be overselling it a bit.

We also did our fair-share of bike ridin'.

All-in-all, we had a great week.  We also visited the aquarium, the butterfly pavilion, the Dallas Museum of Art, and met friends for coffee nearly everyday.  It was a nice week. 
I'd be lying if I said I was ready to face Monday. 
I may feel a head cold coming on. 

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