Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ode to my Kitchen - A Love/Hate Relationship

Ahhh, a kitchen. The heart of any home. Where dear family members gather for food and fellowship. This room should be a no-brainer favorite for me, right? I mean I only spend 96.2% of my time there (exaggeration?). So why then, do I harbor such ugly feelings toward my kitchen?

Could it be the unending amount of clutter that seems to accumulate despite my best efforts to purge all non-essentials (when the kids aren't looking, of course)? Possibly. Could it be the 50 year old cabinets that are chipped, warped, dingy and just plain sad looking? Possibly. Could it be the beige (yuck) laminate counter tops that I am continually hot gluing back together (hot glue - one step above duct tape, in my opinion)? Possibly. Could it be the dated, non-matching appliances that frighten and confuse me to use? Possibly.

Alright, alright, I know that I sound so ungrateful. My kitchen can't be all that bad, right? I mean, it is the heart of my home where dear family members gather for food and fellowship - yada, yada. What's not to love? Let me look at my glass as half-full and list the things I actually love about my kitchen.

  1. My PINK shabby chic table. LOVE IT! You can't imagine the sweet talkin' I had to do to convince my husband that a PINK kitchen table was a fabulous idea. Thanks Chris!
  2. The size of my kitchen is very generous. Plenty of space for all kinds of clutter. Lucky me!
  3. My new, shiny, matching appliances. Once again, thanks Chris!
  4. The number of memories that have been generated and continue to be made in this space. I love family meals around my PINK table. Family harmony, a yummy meal, and did I mention my PINK table? Fabulous! Once again, what's not to love???


  1. i heart the pink table...always have :)

  2. You crack me up! I am right there with you, I have lovely white formica countertops that are now older than me, they are 40 and I am forever 29!
    IF you spill wine or grape juice you have to get the bleach out!
